About Jubilee Oregon

Who we are

Jubilee Oregon is one of several chapters in the Jubilee USA Network, and through that network we are also a part of the Jubilee global movement.  Our Oregon Chapter is made up of faithful and enthusiastic volunteers who are dedicated to helping bring about economic justice in the world.  We have a board of directors who meets once a month, and on the second Wednesday of the month we hold a general meeting for planning, coordination and support.  Like other chapters in the Network, Jubilee Oregon is supported by faith groups--churches and synagogues--as well as non-affiliated people.  We work closely with students at Portland State University and Lewis and Clark University.


What we do

The following are typical activities of the volunteers who make Jubilee Oregon happen:

  • Communicate with our colleagues at Jubilee USA
  • Meet with U.S. Senators and Representatives to inform and solicit support of forthcoming legislation
  • Provide education and awareness to our congregations and other groups 
  • Maintain our special link with Jubilee Zambia through email and Skype calls
  • Maintain links with local and national avocacy groups who are working for global justice
  • Assist with fundraising activites to support our mission

Our Local Partners

Northwest Fair Trade Coalition
Affiliated with the worldwide fair trade movement, we work to build a "fair market", rather than a "free market"economy that ensures all have what they need for a dignified life.